Slough Borough Council Use RediKerb Surface Kerbing For a New Road Layout
LOCAL AUTHORITIES Slough Borough Council use RediKerb Surface Kerbing For a New Road Layout
Shaggy Calf Lane in Slough has been a regular maintenance issue for Slough Borough Council due to frequent power supply failure to the traffic lights. This has led to long delays for motorists and disruption to local residents.
To overcome the problem, the Highway Department looked at two solutions. The first being to purchase a controller which would resolve the power supply issue but would cost approximately £8,000.00. The alternative was a new road layout with a roundabout which would make the flow of traffic easier.
A cost comparison was carried out between the two options and surface kerbing was suggested as the ideal solution and a more cost effective alternative than putting in a new controller.
RediKerb HB Surface Kerbing was installed and then back filled with asphalt which provided huge time saving for installation and minimised disruption to the local residents and road users.