
NEWS Join us in May for the Liveable Neighbourhoods Conference

The Liveable Neighbourhoods Conference will assess the impact of the pandemic on local neighbourhoods and consider the lessons learned from Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes. Expert panels will consider the case for people-friendly streets in a post-Covid world, with more people working from home and using local amenities.

School Streets, 20-minute neighbourhoods, the roll-out of 20mph limits, pocket parks, parklets and camera monitoring will also be discussed.

The programme will include timely advice on how to get projects funded, building a consensus through good data and ensuring robust engagement with local people.

This 3rd annual event will offer the best examples of the political leadership, policy-making, project delivery and programme implementation that is helping to improve our streets. 

Our Cycle Lane and Traffic Calming Products such as our Traficop Speed Cushions, enable local authorities to enforce reduced speed limit zones and vehicle traffic. Additionally, they can be used to implement School Street Schemes using products like our RediPave Traffic Islands.

Visit us at stand A2 at the Liveable Neighbourhoods Conference on 16th May in Hatfields, London and learn how our products can contribute to the creation of high-quality active travel schemes.